

What's included in your rental order?
Your rental includes use of our marquee lights. Rental agreement will highlight pickup and drop off times or delivery/set up for an additional service fee.
How tall are the marquee lights?
Our big marquees are 4' tall and about 2' wide. Our mini marquees are about 2' tall and about 1' wide.
Do you offer a customer pickup option?
There are designated pickup options. Our letters are big, 4’tall, 10”deep, and 2-3’ wide. Large orders will need to be picked up with a full size truck. Smaller orders may be picked up with midsize vehicle. Rental agreement will help with suggestions. Our mini marquees are the preferred option for customer pickup.
How far do you travel?
We typically will travel up to 30-45 miles within Sioux Falls. Certainly enter in your order into the system with your location and we will contact you immediately if delivery is not an option. We will be expanding our footprint in the near future which will also allow for further deliveries.
How much of a deposit/reservation fee do you require?
Due to large demand we require a payment of 50% of the total balance (non-refundable). The remaining balance is due 1 month prior to the event date.
Do the marquee lights require access to a special type of outlet/voltage?
No, the marquee lights require access to a standard 3 prong outlet.
Are the bulbs hot to touch?
No, the bulbs are all LED so they are cool to touch and have a low power consumption.
Can the lights be used outdoors?
Yes, we require the client to have a backup indoor area if the original outdoor area is not approved or if weather does not permit. If it windy or rainy, the marquees need to be indoor.